Court Artist and Court Reporter:

As part of the Y6MTC, each school can provide a student as a Court Artist and another as a Court Reporter. This enables students who are not confident in having a speaking part to have an active role in the competition.


To enable the artist and reporters to finish their work, the drawings and reports are taken home. They are sent to a judging panel a couple of weeks after the event. These are judged by a panel of magistrates independently from the result of the mock trial competition its self.


A prize is presented to the winning Artist and Reporter. Previously this has been done by the current High Sherrif of Greater Manchester and a Magistrate at an assembly of the winning schools, some weeks after the Y6MTC event. We hope that this presentation style will continue.

We ask that all artists and reporters bring any materials that they may need to the Y6MTC event.

As inspiration to future Court Artists & Court Reporters,

here are some of the winning entries from previous years: -

2024 Winning Court Artist Entry

Court Artist: Elsie Alcock

St Thomas CE Primary Stockport 

Feedback from judges on Elsie's entry: 

·  The composition and the proportions are excellent 

·  It also captures the emotion of the court 

·  It has great representation of the characters involved.

·  And illustrates an overall view of the court including the magistrates, a solicitor, and a witness

2024 Winning Court Reporter Entry

Court Reporter: Phoebe Syricas

St Thomas CE Primary Stockport. 

(Both winners happened to be from the same school this year)

Feedback from judges on Phoebe's entry:


·  The headline was eye catching causing interest and curiosity for the readers to know more

·  The sub-heading added to the curiosity, why was a knife hidden at Raven Park bridge 

·  The layout of the article was paragraphed well, easy to read and follow, 

·  Judges were impressed by the professionalism of the presentation 

·  The detail in the article was excellent, 

·  The judges particularly liked the final message from the case, a warning about carrying knives, and how to stay safe.

2023 winning court artist entry
2023 winning court reporter entry
2022 winning court reporter entry
2022 winning court artist entry
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